ATS Ultimate Map Mod! V1.47 V1 Created By L4MBO x P0T4T0 & L4MB0 x CR41G

Hello everyone, here is our full map pack for 1.47! we hope you enjoy our new pack which we have made to allow for a easy setup experience premade/tested with what we be believe to be the best combo of map mods available today! Please Place ALL mods below any other mods you have downloaded unless stated otherwise! Please make sure to have the EXACT SAME mod version as us or the mods may break All mod Versions are stated after the name of the mod! (please note as always this requires all DLC available with the default game.) Tested on 1.47x Tested in convoy All credit goes to the original mod developers! Thank you! You can download the rest of our instructions here:
Project: Mid-Atlantic
Project: Mid-Atlantic by GrayBones
C2C rebuild of the Mid-Atlantic region.

69,301 4.7

Project Better Arizona
Project Better Arizona by AzNate
Additions and improvements for Arizona in ATS.

72,698 4.7

Midwest Expansion C2C Required
Midwest Expansion C2C Required by Jacemeister
This map is an currently an addon to Coast to Coast and adds new detail around the US.

65,941 4.5

US 24 Extension
US 24 Extension by Digital X
US 24 Extension extends North East from Colorado Springs to a nearby highway.

15,753 5.0

Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast by Homburg
The original map expansion for American Truck Simulator.

132,266 4.6

Discover Ontario and Quebec
Discover Ontario and Quebec by Attom
Version V 4-153 for SCS 1.53

72,147 4.7

MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch
MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Map and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

64,509 5.0

MUO/Sierra Nevada Compatibility Patch
MUO/Sierra Nevada Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Sierra Nevada Legacy and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

25,379 4.8

Project Better Arizona Reforma Connection
Project Better Arizona Reforma Connection by AzNate
A separate file for Better Arizona to provide compatibility with Reforma.

56,070 4.4

Road Connection Between Promods Canada and Alaska - North To The Future
Road Connection Between Promods Canada and Alaska - North To The Future by Trucker Franglais
Adds in a nice long road between these two great maps.

23,253 4.8

Bonjour Quebec
Bonjour Quebec by Attom
Version V0.1.2 for SCS 1.50 Thanks to "Geno" for all conections to other maps

35,831 4.7