Project: Mid-Atlantic
Project: Mid-Atlantic by GrayBones
C2C rebuild of the Mid-Atlantic region.

69,307 4.7

Project Better Arizona
Project Better Arizona by AzNate
Additions and improvements for Arizona in ATS.

72,727 4.7

Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast by Homburg
The original map expansion for American Truck Simulator.

132,313 4.6

Reforma by Eblem
Reforma map mod which includes vast regions in Mexico and the United States. Please support or

547,587 4.7

Discover Ontario and Quebec
Discover Ontario and Quebec by Attom
Version V 4-153 for SCS 1.53

72,174 4.7

MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch
MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Map and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

64,517 5.0

MUO/Reforma/LA Ferry Patch
MUO/Reforma/LA Ferry Patch by defeoac
This mod ensures compatibility between Reforma Map, Deidra's/GMC Logistics's LA Ferry Port, and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

31,460 5.0