This mod plans on expanding and rebuilding Kosovo by adding cities and roads or labeling scenery cities with names and adding service stations, companies, gas stations and whatever else to them.
First version so far only labels the scenery cities of Pejë and Besjanë. You can find a custom company and service station in both of them.
My plans for the next versions are to add Prizren and Mitrovicë though this will be very difficult, and maybe label one more scenery city. After that I might be looking to add more border crossings and maybe add a few cities in Albania. But please don't get your hopes too high because there isn't much space and I'm not the best mapper ever so it will be a big challenge for me.
This mod is dependent on 6 SCS Map DLCs: Viva La France, Italia, Iberia, Beyond the Baltic Sea, Road to the Black sea and West Balkans.
This map is not dependent on any other map mods.
This map has been tested with many map mods in a big map combo. So there shouldn't be any problems with other maps as no issues have been found. In case there is conflict with another map, it will be written here so everyone is notified.
- Kiko for teaching me some stuff in the map editor.
- MandelSoft and Bricksathome for helping me fix company issues.
- Casper for testing the map.
- Septian_MR for allowing me to use his assets.
Mod is owned by HamzaB67.
Re-uploading is prohibited.
Any re-upload of the mod outside of is illegal piracy and does not support me.