Grand Utopia Map

Started in 2018, the Grand Utopia Map has since been a consistent success and I thank you for that. My primary goal is to provide Euro Truck Simulator 2's virtual truckers with a new driving experience. I want you to be amazed by the different landscapes on the roadside and also to feel like you are driving in real places. The project is still in development. You may encounter some mapping errors, some bugs but I do my best to fix them between updates.

Finally, Grand Utopia is completely free for everyone. So take a moment to try this brand new world which I am sure you will like. And if you do, know that you can also considerably expand your playground by adding a number of exclusive and/or early access Patreon add-ons.

This project already represents more than 6,000 hours of mapping!

The current Map (v1.16.2) shown in the gallery includes Mygotopia v0.9, Patrons Island v1.2 and Akokan Island v1.2 add-ons.These are available via my Patreon.

Members of my Patreon also benefit from early access beta versions. These allow them to receive more frequent updates. The latest beta version currently available is v1.15.6 (beta).

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
MyGodness Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
MyGodness - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This Euro Truck Simulator 2 add-on was created by MyGodness and shared in Maps for Euro Truck Simulator 2.