Bulgaria - North Macedonia "Unity" Road Connection

Bulgaria - North Macedonia "Unity" Road Connection

Bulgaria in Focus and Bulgaria in Focus - ProMods Greece and ProMods Old Greece all required!

Download here:

Bulgaria in Focus

Bulgaria in Focus - ProMods Greece

ProMods Old Greece

"Unity" connects Bulgaria and North Macedonia via the A3 Struma Highway which branches towards Pernik via the III-108 and then leads to the Border Crossing Zlatarevo/Novo Selo via the III-198. After the Border Corssing the road is not present in real life, as a compromise was made in order to connect it to the North Macedonian A1 at the Gradsko Junction.

The Bulgarian portion of the map includes the older ProMods area before the West Balkans DLC integration took place. However the road and border crossing have been updated and refreshed to fit the higher quality standards.

New Content:

  • Петрич (Petrich)

Follow this exact load order:

  1. Unity RC
  2. Bulgaria in Focus - ProMods Greece
  3. ProMods Old Greece Addon 1.0
  4. Bulgaria in Focus 1.30a
  5. ProMods 2.73/2.73a

For more info check my website.

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
emhogg Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
Required Content
emhogg - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This Euro Truck Simulator 2 add-on was created by emhogg and shared in Maps for Euro Truck Simulator 2.