There are 2 versions of the map in the Rar file. One for the SCS map and the other for Promods users
If you want to use the map in combination with the Rhineland Map from Qule. Then place my mod below it in the load order
Adds the following city definitions:
SCS Map version:
- Bremen: Bremerhaven
- Leipzig: Halle-Neustadt
- Berlin: Lindenberg, Grünheide (Mark)
- Mannheim: Ludwigshafen, Ittlingen
Promods version:
- Berlin: Lindenberg, Grünheide (Mark)
- Mannheim: Ludwigshafen, Ittlingen
No Map Content Changes
You are allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
You are allowed to modify or improve my file under any circumstances but ONLY for personal use.
You are allowed to convert this file under any circumstances but ONLY for personal use.
You are allowed to use assets of my file under any circumstances but ONLY for personal use.
All reported bugs have been fixed:
A Promods version of the mod is now included
added city defintions to the new reworked areas in v. 1.53:
Mod is now adapted to the 1.51 final release version
changed version number to 1.51
no changes
Title | Author | Projects | |
makemp1997 ETS2 | makemp1997 | 133 | Details |
Karten | BigBoss | 6 | Details |
ETS2 Map Combo | hawkaurora | 29 | Details |
GMC Logistics - ProMods TransContinental Map Combo 1.53 | miraclmoore | 36 | Details |
Torstens Liste | BadBoyWorms | 54 | Details |
map mods | GoddessGaming1520 | 61 | Details |
maps | cfi75ger | 6 | Details |
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