[OBSOLETE & On Hold] Trans-Siberian Truckway English City names Localization Fix

This mod solves the problem of having an English city name not only when the game language is English, so there will be an English city name for as many game languages as possible, if the English city name is still missing for some game language, let me know on this site!


This mod was made for the Russian Expansion v1.0 version and not for the v1.6 Trans-Siberian Truckway version, it is possible that this mod is no longer needed when using the v1.6 version as I did not test it with the v1.6 version! Thank you very much for your understanding!

Place the mod above Road to Asia Fix - Russian Expansion Compatibility or above Russian Expansion mod, if you don't know where to place it you can find the loading order in the mod description or check here my Load orders for probably proper Load order:

  • SCS Forum:

Promods Based Global No Roex Map Combo: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=318054

Promods Based Global Roex Map Combo: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=318383

EuRoadNet Based Global Map Combo: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=317616

  • Website version:

Promods Based Global No Roex Map Combo: https://sites.google.com/view/orangelion889mapcombos/ets-2-map-combos/ets-2-promods-based-global-no-roex-map-combo-load-order

Promods Based Global Roex Map Combo: https://sites.google.com/view/orangelion889mapcombos/ets-2-map-combos/ets-2-promods-based-global-roex-map-combo-load-order

EuRoadNet Based Global Map Combo: https://sites.google.com/view/orangelion889mapcombos/ets-2-map-combos/ets-2-euroadnet-or-scs-based-global-map-combo-load-order

by OrangeLion889

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
OrangeLion889 Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
OrangeLion889 - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This Euro Truck Simulator 2 add-on was created by OrangeLion889 and shared in Map Patches for Euro Truck Simulator 2.