Thanks for this, it's really annoying they don't have a hotfix download where you don't haver to download everything again. Fixing the Greece train crash made the game playable for me.
1.8 breaks the garage in Eindhoven.
Steps to repro:
1. Buy Eindhoven garage in a profile with only Promaps
2. You can use the garage normally
3. Install Promods Fix 1.8
4. Eindhoven cannot be used, for example as a base for new truck
5. Remove Promods Fix, Eindhoven works again.
Probably a side-issue caused by the A73/A67 fix, as it's right next to that junction
I'll look into it, thanks for the report. I'd appreciate it if you reported issues like these in my discord server next time though, makes it easier for me
HamzaB67 - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution
of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This Euro Truck Simulator 2 add-on was created by HamzaB67 and shared in
Map Patches for Euro Truck Simulator 2.