Project: Mid-Atlantic
Project: Mid-Atlantic by GrayBones
C2C rebuild of the Mid-Atlantic region.

69,307 4.7

Midwest Expansion C2C Required
Midwest Expansion C2C Required by Jacemeister
This map is an currently an addon to Coast to Coast and adds new detail around the US.

65,943 4.5

Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast by Homburg
The original map expansion for American Truck Simulator.

132,313 4.6

MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch
MUO/Reforma Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Map and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

64,517 5.0

MUO/Sierra Nevada Compatibility Patch
MUO/Sierra Nevada Compatibility Patch by defeoac
This mod adds connections between Reforma Sierra Nevada Legacy and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.

25,380 4.8

[OBSOLETE] Caribbean Map - Reforma Fix
[OBSOLETE] Caribbean Map - Reforma Fix by Jerry GMC Master Fixer
Fixes Issue between Caribbean and Reforma

3,227 5.0

Reforma Sierra Nevada
Reforma Sierra Nevada by Eblem
The Sierra Nevada map mod for American Truck Simulator expands the game world to include the stunning Sierra Nevada region in California and Nevada.

55,212 4.8