Heavy Floats
Heavy Floats by CWeaver
Heavy haul front end floats

1,482 4.0

Real companies, gas stations & billboards Extended
Real companies, gas stations & billboards Extended by MLH82
This add-on will change things we can't do in Steam

23,009 4.4

Kenworth T680 2022 Accesories Pack
Kenworth T680 2022 Accesories Pack by JorgeGamer44444
The main functionality is to add some extra accessories to the scs Kenworth T680 2022 Next Gen

6,484 4.5

ETA and rest on GPS - SCS Trucks
ETA and rest on GPS - SCS Trucks by Muha10
This mod adds Estimated Time to Arrival (ETA) and time to rest to in-cab GPS.

633 5.0

ETA and rest on Cabin Accessory GPS - SCS Trucks
ETA and rest on Cabin Accessory GPS - SCS Trucks by Muha10
Adds Estimated Time to Arrival (ETA) to GPS and phone!


Caterpillar C18 1000 HP Engine & Paccar Transmissions
Caterpillar C18 1000 HP Engine & Paccar Transmissions by BillyBone99
Caterpillar C18 1000 Hp Engines & Paccar Transmissions, Mod and SCS trucks supported.

424 4.5