Truck Mods

Truck Mods Go Here
Project 3XX
Project 3XX by guidot
Half Fast Gaming's answer to having any 1990's Peterbilt 3XX series truck you'd like in your garage!

19,067 4.6

RSH Mack R Rigid Addon
RSH Mack R Rigid Addon by RSH Modding
A rigid addon for the Mack R by Harven

1,264 2.0

RSH W900A Addon
RSH W900A Addon by RSH Modding
My W9a addon for the w9a off the workshop

3,765 4.3

Aradeth's Volvo VNL 670 updated by Digital X
Aradeth's Volvo VNL 670 updated by Digital X by Digital X
Updating Aradeth's Volvo VNL 670.

704 3.3

BiggDogg Pete 379
BiggDogg Pete 379 by Bigg_Dogg89
1987-2003 Pete 379 glider. Build to you needs!

9,225 4.2

90's Corporation Truck
90's Corporation Truck by TheOtherCorey
This is my take on the products Volvo/GM Heavy Truck Corporation produced in the early to mid 90's.

12,418 4.8