[SCR] Peerless CTS-42 Chip Van

The Peerless CTS-42 is a lightweight chip van with an impressive 65,000 lb payload capacity. It is manufactured by KNL Holdings LLC out of Paragould, Arkansas. This mod brings this interesting trailer to life in ATS for ownership, and for the freight market. It has animated landing gear, trailer cable support, and advanced coupling.

Current limitations

For now, the tarp is always open. This will be addressed in a future update to take advantage of SCS' new empty cargo model feature which was added since this trailer was authored.

For now, this does not support World of Trucks jobs. This is an unfortunate side effect of eliminating unrealistic loads like hay/scrapped cars (I've used a custom trailer type, and thus a custom cargo).


This mod is intended to be used with my wheel pack. Make sure you have the Wheel Pack set with higher priority than the trailer(s) in the Mod Manager. You can use it without the Wheel Pack, but the default wheels do not look good on it.

Special Thanks

  • All of my Patreon supporters! - These wonderful people provide me with financial support each month which helps me spend more time making high quality mods like this!
  • 50keda - 50keda for his invaluable support while learning SCS Blender Tools, and also for developing SCS Blender Tools

Please, do not upload this elsewhere. My official distribution channels are Workshop, Trucky Mod Hub, and scr-rigs.com only. All brands and trademarks that appear in this mod are property of their respective owners.

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
Smarty Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
1.42 1.41 1.40 1.39 1.38 1.37 1.43
Last Updated
Smarty - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by Smarty and shared in Trailers for American Truck Simulator.