Profile Starter Base Game

Profile Starter Base Game

Fnable at profile creation


Start game

Create Profile.

Before you play that profile.

Go to your mod manager and enable the Profile Starter mod.

Exit mod manager.

Back to the tile screen and countine carrer with your new profile.

Finish your first job

you can npw safely exit the game or go back to the title screen.

Auto saving your profile.

You can then enter the mod manager and disable the Profile Starter Base Game mod.

Load your profile and contine throught warning promps 

Congratulations you have now Discovered truck dealers, recruitment agencies, and viewpoints for the base game.

Start with:

500k cash

100k xp (Level 29)

No Locked Screens

Buy Garages from the start without having to own 3

This mod will discover base game truck dealers, recruitment agencies, and viewpoints, upto game version 1.51

Base Game Required to Use.

BillyBone99 Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
BillyBone99 - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by BillyBone99 and shared in Game Profiles for American Truck Simulator.