ATS Expansion v15.5 for 1.53

Now compatible with ATS 1.53 Version. Arkansas DLC is now required aswell.

xRECONLOBSTERx has given me, along with Driver47, MMBrown, Goggles56, Pupz, Cbarksdale and Vondraghen the permission to update this mod. There have been additions and fixes. Not compatible with Coast2Coast . Geno is working on a road connection.

If using modded trailers - add this mod directly above ATS Expansion -

As the base map is now SCS cargoes only -

This mod adds over 200 loading/unloading locations from Montana, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Nebraska. Custom garages scattered around the map and Many many ranches and farms added, but thats not all, from logging sites and crazy roads in Montana to custom wind farms at Judith Gap. New crude oil pickups in Wyoming, Oklahoma and Texas. Custom Volvo dealerships in Missoula, Killeen and Victoria. Custom home furniture curbside deliveries around the map to gas station grocery deliveries. The map has all this and more.

We also decided to not add the Farm Machinery DLC and JCB DLC as a dependency and instead make those DLCs optional by placing placeholders, that are getting replaced by my Model Replacer mod .

All SCS state DLC's are required aswell as the Volvo Construction DLC and Heavy Cargo DLC -

This file has been verified and is safe to download.
Sineptorro Verified Creator
All Rights Reserved
Initial Release
Current Version
Last Updated
Sineptorro - All rights reserved. Any reupload or redistribution of this file without the author's prior written consent is forbidden.
This American Truck Simulator add-on was created by Sineptorro and shared in Maps for American Truck Simulator.