The ATS 1.53 update has reworked the Southern California areas. This patch is no longer compatible with 1.53 and newer. The patch for pre-1.53 versions will remain available.
This mod fixes connections between PaZzMod Legacy and Quaristice's Minor Urban Overhaul.
The old compatibility patch created by PaZz and n1cky1992 was outdated and had broken roads at the I-10/I-15 interchange in Los Angeles. This mod fixes that, plus a few other bug fixes.
Requires PaZzMod Legacy, either Minor or Lite Urban Overhaul, and Mega Resources.
Compatible with Reforma Sierra Nevada Legacy. Not compatible with the main Reforma Map or Reforma Mexico.
Load order:
- MUO/PaZzMod Compatibility Patch
- Mega Resources
- PaZzMod Legacy
- Either Minor Urban Overhaul or Lite Urban Overhaul